Understanding the Building Safety Act 2022: Why Do We Need It in Conveyancing Practice?

The Building Safety Act 2022 represents a landmark legislative endeavour aimed at addressing the systemic failures and deficiencies exposed by incidents such as the Grenfell Tower tragedy. The fundamental purpose of the Act is to provide a framework for maintaining the integrity and safety of high-risk residential buildings and thus ensuring public confidence. The purpose of this article is to investigate the Building Safety Act 2022 and seek an explanation as to why its implementation in conveyancing practice is crucial for protecting stakeholder interests.


What are the new roles created by the Act?

Chief among these roles is the establishment of the Building Safety Regulator (BSR), tasked with implementing standards, conducting inspections, and enforcing adherence to regulatory standards, thereby representing a shift in the regulatory landscape. The Act also introduces the designation of the ‘Accountable Person,’ who is responsible for ensuring that high-risk buildings are safe and maintaining effective, productive communication with residents. These new roles represent a fundamental shift in the regulatory landscape, emphasising the importance of proactive risk management and stakeholder engagement.


The Building Safety Regulator (BSR)

BSR presents a thorough strategic framework, the timeframe of which extends from the implementation of the Building Safety Act 2022 to April 2026 and beyond. The strategic framework presents the following main objectives:

  1. Implementing strict safety measures for high-risk buildings, covering the aspects of design, construction and ongoing maintenance.
  2. Undertaking thorough audits and inspections to identify safety hazards and enforce adherence to regulatory standards.
  3. Cultivating effective communication with stakeholders, such as industry professionals, residents and owners, to facilitate accountability and transparency.
  4. Offering building owners and managers support and in enacting measures aimed at proactive risk management and adequately amending safety concerns.
  5. Enabling residents to access vital information about the safety of their residence and participate in the safety management process.
  6. Responding to emerging challenges and lessons learnt from previous incidents by continuously assessing and amending regulatory frameworks.
  7. Cooperating with government agencies, regulatory bodies and industry stakeholders to promote best practices and innovations in building safety.

The principles in the strategic framework aim to instil public confidence in high-risk building safety and reduce the likelihood of catastrophic incidents. By fostering proactive collaboration and engagement, the BSR seeks to ensure the long-term well-being of building residents and their communities. The framework also highlights the importance of informing clients about all potential liabilities and risks associated with their investments.

Definition of a High-Risk Building?

A high-risk building is defined based on several factors, such as construction materials, occupancy, and height. High-risk residential buildings that are found to exceed the height threshold are categorised as high-risk given the potential for structural vulnerabilities and the spread of fire. In addition, buildings featuring historical deficiencies, complex facades, or mixed-use occupancies may also be categorised as such.

Accountable Person

The role of Accountable Person is responsible for ensuring that high-risk buildings are safe and maintaining effective, productive communication with residents.  The implementation of this role presents a duty of care to property owners and managers, enforcing mandatory proactive measures for identifying and amending all safety hazards. From the perspective of conveyancing, this requires careful scrutiny of the role of Accountable Person in order to alleviate the risk of accidentally transacting in properties beleaguered by issues related to safety.

Conveyancing practitioners play a crucial role in facilitating transparency and dialogue between sellers, buyers, and stakeholders, ensuring everyone is aware of their obligations. Promoting open communication enables practitioners to enhance risk mitigation and accountability within the real estate sector.

The Building Safety Act 2022 enhances residents’ rights and protections, granting them access to vital safety information about their homes. This fosters engagement and transparency, empowering residents to actively participate in safeguarding their communities and promoting collective responsibility and vigilance. For conveyancing practitioners, it underscores the importance of helping clients make informed decisions and understand their rights as homeowners.

In summary, the Building Safety Act 2022 is pivotal in ensuring safety, transparency, and accountability in the built environment, transforming real estate law. Its implementation in conveyancing is both a legal requirement and a moral imperative, demanding proactive client advocacy and risk management. Conveyancing practitioners who fully embrace the Act’s principles can safeguard their clients’ interests, promote safety and integrity in built environments, and uphold high standards of ethical conduct and professionalism.


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