Press Release
Chan Neill Solicitors LLP & Guangdong Zhuo Jian Law firm
Publicity Release
Strategic Cooperation Agreement Signing
On 20th May 2021, Senior representatives of Chan Neill Solicitors LLP and Guangdong Zhuo Jian Law Firm officially signed a Strategic Cooperation Agreement connecting the two firms in London and Shenzhen. In the online signing, the managing partner Andrew Neill, senior partner Michael Chan, international BD manager Jenny Chen and practice manager Farida Fakhrul from Chan Neill Solicitors LLP and Guangdong Zhuo Jian’s senior partner, Mr. Mu Yinli and Director of Financial Law Department Mr. Jin Zhenzhao, agreed to commence and launch their strategic cooperation agreement.
Chan Neill Solicitors, now Chan Neill Solicitors LLP, was established in 2003, as a full-service law firm located in Central London. It now also has offices in Mayfair along with a representative office in Singapore. The firm offers legal services in business, corporate, litigation, personal and catastrophic injury, real estate, insurance, employment, family, immigration, gaming law and trusts & private client.
Guangdong Zhuo Jian Law Firm is a law firm offering legal services in China in foreign-related legal affairs, company law, criminal law, financial law, intellectual property law, employment law, matrimonial family and wealth inheritance law, and dispute resolution.
Chan Neill Solicitors LLP and Guangdong Zhuo Jian Law Firm are delighted to agree this strategic cooperation. Both firms are sure this will actively assist their clients’ requirements and both firms’ business objectives. It is envisaged that the Agreement of Cooperation will enable clients to benefit and will provide strong support to them both in China and in the UK. It is hoped that the Agreement will enable clients to have the edge in strategic planning, business negotiation, contracts within or between parties with interests both in China and UK, and will ensure clients of both firms can achieve their desires so far as legal solutions are concerned.

Why does my BRP card expire on 31 December 2024?
For many years now, successful Indefinite Leave to Remain applicants in the United Kingdom have been issued with Biometric Residence Permits (commonly known as BRP cards) with the validity date as 31 December 2024. It has also been observed that nowadays, those applicants, who are being granted limited leave to remain for a period beyond this date, are also being issued with BRP cards which are due to expire on 31 December 2024. Why the Home Office issues BRP cards with this set date?
It has been explained by the Home Office that in the past, under EU law, it was a requirement to restrict the validity of BRP cards which do not incorporate the latest encryption technology. The Home Office vowed to introduce BRP cards in new format this year which will reflect the exact period of grant as confirmed in the approval later. So far, this has not been the case.
According to the information currently available on GOV.UK website: “You do not need to tell UKVI if your BRP expires on 31 December 2024 but you have leave to stay longer. UKVI will update their information on how to update your BRP in early 2024. You do not need to do anything and your immigration status will not be affected.”
In the meantime, BRP card holders can check and prove their immigration status using the online service: As an alternative, employers can obtain evidence of their employees’ immigration status in the UK online:
If you have concerns about your UK immigration status, do not hesitate to contact our immigration team.
Please note that requirements may vary from case to case based on the nuances of your situation, and the information on this page is not intended to replace legal advice.
Home Office Compliance Visits back on
The Home Office compliance visits aim at checking whether an organisation has the appropriate HR and recruitment systems and procedures in place to be able to monitor the migrant workers and ensure that the organisation’s duties and obligations as a Licensed sponsor have been fulfilled.
Such visits can be conducted by the UK Visas and Immigration before or after the Sponsorship License has been granted and can be announced or unannounced.
The visits were suspended during the first lockdown and then again in December 2020 when the United Kingdom entered second national lockdown due to the COVID-19 outbreak. As the UK Government has started to ease the restrictions, the Home Office has now announced that the compliance visits will shortly be resumed.
The prospective and existing Licensed sponsors are aware that it is important to comply with the Home Office’s requirements since noncompliance may lead to the License application being refused or existing License being suspended or revoked. This, essentially, could lead to inability to offer sponsorship to migrant workers.
With reference to the most recent statistics published by the Home Office, 523 Sponsorship Licenses were suspended between Q4 2019 and Q3 2020. This figure was considerably lower in comparison with the previous 12 months' period, largely due to the pandemic. The Compliance Officers are becoming more rigorous, as such, we remind all Licensed sponsors about the importance of complying with their duties and obligations and being up to date with the recent changes in the compliance procedure.
At Chan Neill Solicitors we regularly assist organisations with their Sponsorship License matters. We conduct mock Compliance Visits and assist the organisations during the Home Office visits. For more information please do not hesitate to contact our office.
Don't Fall Prey to Telephone Scams!
1. Are there a large number of enquiries for phone scams among international students? Have you or any of your fraud lawyers take a case of telecoms fraud? Could you please enumerate and talk about it briefly?
My firm does receive some enquiries in respect of telecoms fraud/scams from the Chinese community. It usually encompasses a mixture of email, telephone and WeChat/Whatsapp scams. The types of scam we encounter are typically payment fraud and currency exchange fraud/money laundering.
The usual tactics for the fraudster are to pretend to be a trusted third party, for instance HMRC, the Court, the Chinese Embassy, or your bank etc.
HMRC – the fraudster may claim there is an issue with your tax refund or an unpaid tax bill and ask you for your personal information including your National Insurance Number. There is another scenario where people are being called and a pre-recorded message purportedly from HMRC, informs them that they owe money and that they are urgently required to call a separate telephone number to halt further action being taken against them. Upon calling the number, the consumer is given a long reference number and are threatened that “if you don’t transfer the money you owe us, it could lead to your arrest.”
The Court – the fraudster may pretend to be a court clerk and claim there is a criminal proceedings against you and ask you to pay immediately in order to remove the charges.
Bank – – fraudster would call and claim himself to be from your bank, saying there’s a problem with your card or account. They may ask for your account, card and PIN details. They may also advise transferring your money to a secured account to protect the deposits.
I understand the main concern for victim is how to get their monies back. You might be able to get your money back after you’ve been scammed but it would be very difficult. What you should do, and whether you’ll get a refund, depends on what happened.
Chan Neill Solicitors have acted for victims including international companies and international students on a larger scale.
In respect of international students, our firm had received enquiries where for example student A had been helping a “friend” of hers who they became acquainted with on WeChat. Student A then allowed the friend to use her personal bank account as a conduit to transfer monies (cash deposit) to different third parties’ account, without knowing the source of the funds and the purpose of the transfers. Her account was then subject to an Account Freezing Order applied by the police authorities. She did not know “helping a friend” might be illegal and subject to fraud. It started with a WeChat invitations and a phone call. Our firm was successful in negotiating an out-of-court settlement with the police authority.
In respect of International Companies, we have acted for overseas companies to recover funds they remitted to the UK bank which was opened by email scammers. Funds can be recalled successfully after negotiations with the banks.
2. In the case we’ve interviewed before, many international students said that after they were defrauded of money, both their home-country’s police and British police cannot help and said they have no authority over this issue, so is there any blind spot of legal supervision? What the blind spot is? We understand many international students have fallen victim to telecoms scams and were defrauded of money. There are practical difficulties which will be explained further below: –
Personal information of the scammer – In order to issue a court claim, you will need to identify the name and address of the scammer in order to make a claim against him/her. Whether you can identify the scammer’s name and address will be crucial for issuing a claim.
Jurisdiction – Telecoms scams and phishing attacks can take place on a global scale without regard to jurisdictional boundaries. The obstacles include differing laws and standards of evidence to prosecute offenders, and the need for mutual cooperation to take effective cross-jurisdictional action. It would be difficult for Police to prosecute an individual in a different jurisdiction.
Costs – Whether legal costs are proportionate compared to the claim amount.
Tracing – whether the monies are still in the scammer’s bank account, if not where did the money go? It is very difficult to trace funds if they have been transferred to different parties in different bank accounts. This is usually the next step scammer do to make it even harder to trace.
3. Is there any relative legal provisions does the British government have for this issues to protect international student?
The Fraud Act 2006 (the Act) came into force on 15 January 2007 and applies in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
The Act repealed the following offences:
Theft Act 1968
Section15 (obtaining property by deception);
Section15A (obtaining a money transfer by deception);
Section 16 (obtaining a pecuniary advantage by deception).
There may be other ways for international students claim their monies back.
Again this can only be considered if you know the true identity of the fraudster.
4. What should international students do if they encounter similar problems, could you provide some suggestions to us?
The likely scenarios where an international student may encounter are: –
you’ve used your debit card and more money was taken than you expected; or
you’ve made a payment to a scammer from your account.
We recommend international students to take the following steps:
Contact the police immediately by calling 101 if:
the scammer is in your area
you’ve transferred money to the scammer in the last 24 hours
If you feel threatened or unsafe call 999.
Gather all the details of the scam and write to your bank immediately and explain clearly what had happened and ask whether you can stop the payment or get a refund.
report the issue to Action Fraud , the UK’s national reporting centre for fraud. Action Fraud can get the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau to investigate scams. They’ll also give you a crime reference number, which can be helpful if you need to tell your bank you’ve been scammed.
If you are not happy with how the bank deals with your claim, you may consider instructing solicitors to assist as we are more experienced in handling these situations. It may also be worthwhile to instruct solicitors in the beginning as we can ensure consistency and clarity over the steps and representations made. In summary for this interview, international students are advised: –
Not to give out personal information and banking details on phone or email.
If you’ve already responded to a suspicious message or provided personal/banking details, contact your bank immediately to stop any activity, ask for a new card, change the security password/pin number if necessary.
If monies has been sent, then this maybe the time to consider looking for help from solicitors.
We will be able to assess the scenario and see whether there are other legal procedures that maybe suitable to take depending on the circumstances. Possible steps may include: –
Raise a formal complaint with the bank
Financial Ombudsman complaint
Regional or Global Freezing Injunction
Go to court
Account Freezing Order (AFO)
Did authorities freeze your UK bank account? Have you received notice of hearing for AFO application? Do you know what happened and what are the legal consequences?
On 28th February 2019, The UK’s National Crime Agency froze 95 Barclays’ bank accounts, mainly held by Chinese students studying in the United Kingdom. These accounts contain an estimate of £3.6 million that is suspected to be from proceeds of crime or intended to be used for criminal purposes. Accounts will be frozen for 9 months for the purpose of subsequent money laundering investigations conducted by the National Economic Crime Centre’s officer. In 2019/2020, AFOs were up to 166 cases.
Why did the authorities freeze my account?
A lot of Chinese student received letters from enforcement authorities, such as the City of London Police and the HM Revenue & Customs, confirming there was an Account Freezing Order (AFO) application against their bank accounts and a hearing was scheduled. Subsequently, these bank accounts would be frozen for nine months. These bank account users have one similarity: they frequently used Private Foreign Currency Exchange Service to exchange for pounds.
As the People’s Republic of China’s authorities implement regulations to limit the exchange of foreign currency from Renminbi, Chinese students are tempted to use Private Foreign Currency Exchange Service to exchange pounds. Chinese students perceive these private currency exchange service more convenient to use and it offers a slightly better exchange rate as incentives than banks’ service. Why not?
Private Currency Exchange Service is well-known and frequently used by the Chinese communities in the UK. These currency exchange service companies operate by sourcing Chinese customers on communications platforms such as Wechat and Alipay. The currency exchange service providers register an account on such communication platform and appear as a Universities’ alumni or some status that sounds credible in the group chat to attract Chinese customers. Chinese customers who want to use the private exchange service will simply have to contact the person they ‘met’ on the communication platform and agree with their exchange rate, the transaction can subsequently be performed. The entire private currency exchange process will take less than one day to complete while traditional currency exchange through banks may take up to 5 working days.
However, Chinese students may not know that in the United Kingdom, strict anti-money laundering regulations are enforced on banks and institutions that perform banking activities. Any large transactions and money transfers will be subject to tracing and declaration of those source of funds.
Private Foreign Currency Exchange is regulated in the United Kingdom. By violating regulations through using these Private Foreign Currency Exchange service, you might have to bear the legal consequences, often not known to you at the outset.
The New Legislation - Criminal Finance Act 2017
Since 31 January 2018, new enforcement power was introduced into the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 by Criminal Finance Act 2017, it allows authorities to apply to Magistrates’ Court to freeze the monies in “suspicious” bank accounts or building societies account until the source of the funds can be established. Funds were either alleged to be derived from, or intended for use in, unlawful activities.
The frequent use of Private Foreign Currency Exchange services is considered one of the activities that will make Chinese Students’ bank account looks suspicious.
This is because in each transaction, the currency exchange service provider will separate the total amount of pounds into several tranches before sending. The service provider will deposit each tranche of the transaction by cash into the customer’s bank account from different bank branches all over the United Kingdom. By sending in tranches and in different branches, the service provider can avoid being suspicious when paying large amount of cash into a single account in a single branch.
When the NECC notice that there are no links between the location where cash are deposited and where the bank account holder is based, they classify this as a money laundering technique called ‘smurfing’. This constitutes a reasonable ground to suspect the source of those funds are illegitimate. Therefore, the NECC officer will subsequently apply to the Magistrates’ Court to freeze the bank account of these Chinese students for further investigations.
What are the legal consequences?
While the NECC is conducting the money laundering investigations, the account holder must cooperate with the authorities and give evidence with explanations. If the account holder fails to give evidence, the account holder may have to bear the legal consequence and sentence for money laundering. Not only the frozen funds will be forfeited, the criminal record may also affect any current and subsequent student visas in the UK.
What should I do next?
When you receive the notice of AFO applications sent by the authorities, we recommend that you seek legal advice at your earliest opportunity. The two cases set out examples of why you need to seek legal advice.
Case one:
The client’s UK bank accounts became subject to AFO. Amount frozen was over £100,000. We were instructed to communicate on the client behalf with the NCA and then help piece together the reasons for so many cash deposits to her bank accounts from different locations. Following a rigorous investigation and discussions with our client. Our ability to speak and write to our client in mandarin was crucial to her understanding what was required to explain what the transactions were. Despite good evidence to show the transactions were all accounted for, the NCA would not agree to unfreeze the bank accounts and the matter proceeded to court hearing again. Following witness evidence given by our client and a prepared bundle of documents filed with the court, the Judge refused the NCA’s request to extend the AFO and accepted our client’s funds and transactions were good. AFO discharged.
Case two:
The Client’s UK bank accounts became subject to AFO. Application brought by a police authority. Amount frozen was £30,000. The allegation was that these were proceeds of crime transfers as the cash payments were made by unknown individuals at various locations in UK. The main worry for the client was her visa status and did not want a criminal record. Following detailed discussions and thorough investigation of all transactions and transfers, we were able to persuade the police authority that only part of the frozen funds could not be accounted for. With several rounds of negotiation, it was agreed that the police would not take this further if the funds that could not be accounted for were disclaimed. A written compromise was agreed, and the client was very happy with the result.
Chan Neill solicitors is a leading Law Firm in London and we have mandarin and Cantonese speaking lawyers who are experienced in the legal area and are able to guide you through this difficult period. If you have any queries of the AFO, please do not hesitate to contact:
We put our clients first - Our CN work ethos
1. We do not mind working extra hours and going the extra leap for our clients!
Chan Neill Solicitors are always working hard to keep clients informed, reassured and happy. We want to achieve the best results for our client We have a wealth of experience in working with clients globally and always go the extra mile for them because that's what makes them remember us. We try to be responsive and reachable during weekends and evenings wherever possible for our clients.
2. Explanation of the legal process in simple terms and ensuring our clients understand, regardless of their background, culture or language.
Our UK legal system can seem very complex to far east clients. In China, for example, clients often inform us the Chinese legal framework when purchasing a property in China is extremely straightforward and easy to understand. Our lawyers at Chan Neill are able to converse fully with our Far East clients which makes the UK legal process much easier for far east clients who do not write or may speak limited English, give a better understanding and reassurance of what they are investing in.
3. Always responsive- we are always a phone call away!
Communication is vital with our clients on a continuous basis. At Chan Neill Solicitors, we communicate with our clients often on an hourly basis to keep them updated throughout the legal process.
4. Emails and social media platform
At Chan Neill, our solicitors and staff not only communicate via the traditional methods of email and the postal service, we also use messaging services such as Whatsapp, Wechat and Line, which have become an important role when communicating with our clients today.
5. Be the 'go-to person'- Chan Neill Solicitors, we are your law firm that specialises in a wide range of areas.
At Chan Neill, we have lawyers that specialise in a range of areas, from commercial litigation, property conveyancing, insurance, personal injury to immigration, visa services, gaming, tech, and family law. We are a full service law firm. Our motto is to provide excellent service to our clients no matter how big or small the requirement.
6. Diversified
At Chan Neill from senior partners to junior staff, we understand that cultural differences can affect the way we work and communicate together. We respect our clients' cultural differences and always work hard to understand and overcome these.
Saving Your Credit Score from Unforeseen Court Judgments
Is your creditworthiness at risk?
Your ability to borrow in the UK can be jeopardised easily without you even knowing.
Since the UK’s government lockdown in March, several individuals and business have reported that they have had a judgment registered against them in the courts and that they had not been notified of this until it was technically too late to be removed from the Register. With businesses abandon-ing their presence in the UK, or lapses in communication between parties due to the pandemic, some have not received requests for payment or invoices directly and only found out about a judg-ment when it was too late.
The problem is that even if you pay off the judgment debt, it may not be removed from your credit report. This would affect your ability to borrow and conduct business in the UK in future. Unless a CCJ is paid in full within 30 days of receiving the judgment, it will be entered on your credit record at the Register of Judgments, Orders and Fines. This record will remain there for six years and can seriously affect your ability to get a mortgage, a credit card or even a bank account in the future.
What to do
The best way forward in such situations is to get the other side to negotiate an agreement to settle the matter, and remove the judgment from your record by way of consent order. In our experience, most judgment creditors will agree to do so with some additional fees being paid across to them as after all, they have no desire to actually affect your credit score. The consent order is submitted to the judge for approval and in most cases, the courts are reluctant to intervene in the parties’ agreement and will approve the order to set aside the judgment by consent.
In certain circumstances however, especially where the judgment debt is of a high value, it may be best to obtain the creditor’s agreement to set aside the judgment by way of Tomlin Order. A Tomlin Order keeps the details of the settlement in the form of a confidential schedule e.g. the payment of the judgment debt and additional settlement fees. While the Judge may have access to the schedule, as the contents are technically not to be considered by the courts in its decision to approve the order. The judge would there-fore be less likely to query whether and why the judgment should be removed from the Register.
Thereafter, key credit agencies should be contacted and where appropriate, the process for removal of the judgment from your credit report should be undertaken in accordance with the agencies’ rules.
We have helped our clients to negotiate a settlement with their judgment creditors for the removal the judgment from the Court Register and clear their credit score quickly and efficiently. We can help you with the delicate process of setting aside and contacting key credit reference agencies so as to restore your creditworthiness and not further jeopardise your credit score.
Please contact our solicitors Michael Chan if you would like us to help in your case.
Recovering unpaid or late rent against your tenant, what are the options?
As a landlord with mortgage payments, service charges and related bills (amongst other things) to pay it is important for prompt payment of rent from your tenants. However, of course, things do not always run smoothly therefore there are legal paths and remedies that can be sought in order to seek recovery. This article examines the options open to landlords when problems arise.
Payment Agreement
This is probably the simplest and cheapest solution in order to recover any rent arrears from your tenant. It is of course always easier to talk to your tenant to agree some sort of payment plan without having to undertake legal recourse. It would be recommended that if a payment plan is arranged with your tenant that a letter of agreement is drawn and signed by all parties. This is less formal document than a contract but still carry some legal weight and the tenant should be aware that failure to abide by the terms will result them being in breach of two legal contracts. The tenant may agree to use his deposit as payment (or part payment of the outstanding debt) this is acceptable but it is recommended that if this agreed that the agreement is put in writing.
Issuing Legal Proceedings
If the tenant is unable or unwilling to sign a letter of agreement then as a landlord you are able to issue legal proceedings against them personally. The outstanding rent arrears can be treated as a regular outstanding debt and County Court proceedings, after a letter of claim has been sent, can be issued for recovery of the same. If the court summons isn't responded to within the specified time limits then as a landlord you will be able to obtain Judgement in Default against the tenant and then take steps to to instruct Bailiffs. The disadvantage to this route is if the tenant still resides in your property then it is going to be negligible whether they are going to own enough assets to be recovered by the Bailiffs and sold at public auction to recover the debt. However, the advantage to this route from a landlord perspective is that any Default Judgment, if not paid within a certain time period, is going to seriously affect not only the tenants credit history but also his ability to secure another tenancy when he leaves the property. The tenant is likely to be aware of this and, in our experience just the threat of issuing county court proceedings, will be enough for the tenant to make the necessary efforts to pay the arrears before further action is required. If the tenant has vacated your property their current contact details will of course be required before the issuing of proceedings. If these are unknown we are able to take steps to search for the tenant so we have up to date details before issuing proceedings.
Pursuing a Guarantor
If the tenant has already left the property and they had a guarantor counter signed the tenancy agreement, you are able to pursue the guarantor for the outstanding rent. This route will only be successful if the guarantor has signed a Deed to say that they will be responsible for any unpaid rent. If this is in order then a ‘letter before action’ should be sent to the guarantor and a copy of the letter sent to the tenant. If no response is received, and the contact details for the guarantor are in order, then as with the above legal proceedings can be issued against the guarantor for recovery. Assuming that the guarantor would either be a close friend or, more likely, a family member of the tenant then this would be a course of action that should yield a positive result as far as recovery of outstanding rent is concerned.
Taking Steps to Evict the Tenant
The steps required to evict a tenant haven’t changed since the beginning of the Coronavirus pandemic however the notice periods that you have to give to your tenant have done. If as is common your tenant has signed a fixed term assured shorthold tenancy (AST) and your tenant has stopped paying rent during the fixed term then it is necessary to serve them with notice. This is done by serving either or both a Section 21 Notice and a Section 8 Notice, both are in effect ‘Notices to Quit’ and inform the tenant what date they need to vacate the property by. Should they fail to comply with the date in the notice then as a landlord you are about to apply to the court for an order of possession and, if still necessary, execute the order and instruct Bailiffs to do this for you in order to regain possession of your property. You can then decide which notice you intend to enforce, both have their advantages and disadvantages. A s21 Notice is more straightforward for the landlord as the tenant is unable to file a Defence to the action and as long as the possession is valid then possession will be granted, the issue is of course this only provides possession of the property. A s8 Notice can, if granted, also provide a money order against the tenant for any unpaid rent which is an option not open to the landlord under s21. The one disadvantage to a s8 Notice is the tenant, should he so wish, is able to file a Defence. This may cause serious delays in gaining possession of your property and, should the court consider the Defence valid, could result in a costs order in the tenants favour against the landlord. It is also worth pointing out that if a s8 or s21 Notice is served after 29th August 2020 then 6 months’ notice must be given by the landlord, the reason for this is as a direct result of the pandemic. Prior to the 26th March 2020 the notice period was just 2 months, as things hopefully returns to normality over the coming months it is expected that the notice period needed to give by landlords will go back to ‘pre pandemic’ periods.
Should you wish to discuss anything further mentioned above or instruct our civil litigation team please email or
Chan Neill Solicitors would like to wish all of you a Merry and Safe Christmas and a Happy New 2021!
As we wind down for the Christmas holidays, Keep Safe and enjoy the festive season.
Chan Neill Solicitors will be open this Christmas holidays. Please do not hesitate to contact us for legal services.
Chan Neill Solicitors LLP is delighted to be shortlisted in the British Legal Awards 2020
Chan Neill Solicitors LLP is delighted to be shortlisted in the prestigious British Legal Awards 2020- Boutique Law Firm of the year.